Monday, January 22, 2007

Stressful Relationships

I've noticed over the past few weeks that my relationships with certain friends have become rather strained and I believe it's as a result of an inner change in myself where I'm becoming more honest with what I feel about certain things, and rather than holding those feelings inside to keep the peace I'm finding that I'm expressing them and wow, it's creating all sorts of fall-out that is so interesting to watch.

I understand completely, the confusion and reaction of my friends, to my new way of relating as it's so out of character for me, and yet I find I can't be any other way.

This has all come about after reading a book in September called 'Busting Loose from the Money Game' by Robert Scheinfeld. You may be wondering, what does a book about money have to do with the way I relate to my friends, but this is no ordinary book.

The "hook" is money, but this book led me straight down the "rabbit hole" so-to-speak, into a Wonderland which has magically transformed every area of my life including my finances, my body and my relationships... all my relationships, including with my children, my partner, my friends, my family, my work colleagues and myself!

Now I focus my coaching on the Busting Loose principles from the book because to me there's no other way to live than living a life inspired by who I truly am and coaching others to do the same.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Easy Money in Theory, but Not So Easy in Practice

In the last few months (since October) I've been playing with a game that has the potential to bring me unlimited income as well as unlimited travel opportunities. At first I was hesitant to participate because I was unsure whether it was legal and how it worked. However, I joined the program and watched to see what happened. It was fascinating... people all over the place, including my sponsor, were receiving luxury 7 day holidays and making $6000 for each of their $200 investments, and in a relatively short time (about four months). As I watched and researched I learned that legal experts had been consulted in every country this game was being played and even found out that solicitors and prominent business people were also playing the game. I quickly decided I needed to get serious and invested in my second membership.

I'm still learning as I go, and for me it's been rather stressful because I've had to get out of my comfort zone (in more ways than one) but I can see the game live online and watch as I progress closer and closer to the travel and cash I've seen the others receive. It's exciting!

Why have I written about this here in my blog? To remind you that no matter what you want to achieve in life, you will have to go out of your comfort zone, but you don't have to do it alone. Take up our coaching offer by clicking here and if you'd like to check out the game I've been playing click here