Sunday, May 27, 2007

What a Ride it's Been!

Wow, I've just looked at when I posted my last entry and Jan 22nd seems such a long time ago, especially as in that time I've experienced more upheaval in those four months than I care to experience in a decade!

There's been a very stressful move, and there's another one on the way with the separation from my partner of almost 8yrs, there's been supporting my daughter through a very difficult period in her young life of 15yrs and we still have a long way to go in terms of the lengthy process of creating a parenting plan for the shared custody of our son and finding a new home is proving to be fraught with obstacles.

There have also been amazing breakthroughs. I've experienced a new direction in my business with the introduction of my coaching program and I've discovered Arnold Patent's website, a huge support. Arnold was the coach of Robert Scheinfeld, the author of 'Busting Loose from the Money Game', which was the catalyst for many of the above changes.

These changes have been excruciating at times but they needed to happen to make way for expansion. There are more challenges in the months ahead and undoubtably they will be uncomfortable, but then transition always is.


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