Sunday, May 27, 2007

What a Ride it's Been!

Wow, I've just looked at when I posted my last entry and Jan 22nd seems such a long time ago, especially as in that time I've experienced more upheaval in those four months than I care to experience in a decade!

There's been a very stressful move, and there's another one on the way with the separation from my partner of almost 8yrs, there's been supporting my daughter through a very difficult period in her young life of 15yrs and we still have a long way to go in terms of the lengthy process of creating a parenting plan for the shared custody of our son and finding a new home is proving to be fraught with obstacles.

There have also been amazing breakthroughs. I've experienced a new direction in my business with the introduction of my coaching program and I've discovered Arnold Patent's website, a huge support. Arnold was the coach of Robert Scheinfeld, the author of 'Busting Loose from the Money Game', which was the catalyst for many of the above changes.

These changes have been excruciating at times but they needed to happen to make way for expansion. There are more challenges in the months ahead and undoubtably they will be uncomfortable, but then transition always is.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Stressful Relationships

I've noticed over the past few weeks that my relationships with certain friends have become rather strained and I believe it's as a result of an inner change in myself where I'm becoming more honest with what I feel about certain things, and rather than holding those feelings inside to keep the peace I'm finding that I'm expressing them and wow, it's creating all sorts of fall-out that is so interesting to watch.

I understand completely, the confusion and reaction of my friends, to my new way of relating as it's so out of character for me, and yet I find I can't be any other way.

This has all come about after reading a book in September called 'Busting Loose from the Money Game' by Robert Scheinfeld. You may be wondering, what does a book about money have to do with the way I relate to my friends, but this is no ordinary book.

The "hook" is money, but this book led me straight down the "rabbit hole" so-to-speak, into a Wonderland which has magically transformed every area of my life including my finances, my body and my relationships... all my relationships, including with my children, my partner, my friends, my family, my work colleagues and myself!

Now I focus my coaching on the Busting Loose principles from the book because to me there's no other way to live than living a life inspired by who I truly am and coaching others to do the same.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Easy Money in Theory, but Not So Easy in Practice

In the last few months (since October) I've been playing with a game that has the potential to bring me unlimited income as well as unlimited travel opportunities. At first I was hesitant to participate because I was unsure whether it was legal and how it worked. However, I joined the program and watched to see what happened. It was fascinating... people all over the place, including my sponsor, were receiving luxury 7 day holidays and making $6000 for each of their $200 investments, and in a relatively short time (about four months). As I watched and researched I learned that legal experts had been consulted in every country this game was being played and even found out that solicitors and prominent business people were also playing the game. I quickly decided I needed to get serious and invested in my second membership.

I'm still learning as I go, and for me it's been rather stressful because I've had to get out of my comfort zone (in more ways than one) but I can see the game live online and watch as I progress closer and closer to the travel and cash I've seen the others receive. It's exciting!

Why have I written about this here in my blog? To remind you that no matter what you want to achieve in life, you will have to go out of your comfort zone, but you don't have to do it alone. Take up our coaching offer by clicking here and if you'd like to check out the game I've been playing click here

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Surprising Myself With My Creations

For a long time now I've not enjoyed Christmas, seeing it as an outlandishly expensive waste of energy and money, just tolerating it and wishing it was over before it even started... But this year I actually enjoyed the lead-up and the Big Day itself (purchasing my first ever Santa suit and my first ever pair of Christmas earrings)... What came over me?

I believe it had everything to do with regularly applying what Bob Scheinfeld calls "The Process" in his book 'Busting Loose From the Money Game'. Not to spoil the surprise, I won't give you the procedure here but I will say that this application is giving me a tour of how I convinced myself that I'm the opposite of who I really am and at the same time whipping away those myths so that I'm experiencing less and less limitation and more and more expansion in how I perceive myself as the creator of my experience. It's fascinating!

The element of surprise seems to be the central theme for me right now. On our Christmas holiday I surprised myself with creating a lovely little townhouse apartment (complete with food and other useful items) when there were no vacancies at any of the hotels in the town where we were staying. I created my partner Simon to surprise me with my first laptop for Christmas and my daughter to surprise me with cinema tickets, as well as the Nelson Mandela book I'd guessed she'd bought me... Our Christmas Day was surprisingly relaxed, even though there was an upset between Simon and my nephew... and I even created some surprising good news regarding an investment in a wonderful fun money game I've been playing.

Back home now for two days I've surprised myself with the discovery of a long-hidden limiting belief that if I want to enjoy myself I have to pay a price... Wow, what a discovery! Fortunately for me I have Bob Scheinfeld's process to disempower that belief and begin anew... Hmm, I wonder where next the tour is going to take me.

Happy travelling in the New Year everyone!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Belief Systems and How They Play Out

As you might remember from my last post I said that I'd come across a new way of dealing with stress.

That came about as a result of two important events... attending a pilot workshop called 'The Magician's Way Intensive', created by William Whitecloud and also reading a book called 'Busting Loose from the Money Game' by Bob Scheinfeld.

Both of these "modes" if you like suggest that we "play" on Planet Earth, home of the Human Game, to experience limitation as a way of amusing ourselves as infinite beings. A little like puppeteers we choose to create a part of ourselves into human form, fully immerse that part of our consciousness into the experience and create limiting situations and circumstances which then create belief systems and propagate a lifetime of experiences as a result of those belief systems?

For example, one of the things I learnt about myself at The Magician's Way Intensive, which I really knew all the time but was in denial about, was that I had a belief that I'm insignificant which then leads me to compensate by doing things that might be seen to be important, and yet I don't like being the centre of attention. I could make up a story about that and say "Well, that's because I had an abusive father who beat my mother and us children and I learnt that if I stayed out of his way I could protect myself... except for that one time I called the police and made my father cry for the first time".

My story illustrates what we all go through when we choose to (as unlimited infinite beings) to fully immerse a part of ourselves into the human experience. It shows how I "conned" myself into believing that I am at the mercy of circumstances and life, things outside of myself, when I'd created the whole illusion myself! How amazing is that?

Another major belief of mine has been that "men control the money".

I could say, "Well that's because my father controlled all the money when I was growing up, when I was 12 my parents separated and my mother found herself in financial destitution. She searched for another man to take my father's place who would provide for us, and then they didn't work out so she went on welfare designed and controlled by men in parliament. I then went on to work for men, had a child to a man who refused to share his money, went on welfare myself, and met a man who would share his money grudgingly and had another child to him... snapping the trap on myself so to speak, just as my daughter was beginning to become more independent and I felt I would have had more freedom to pursue my own financial independence."

My Expanded Self must have been laughing her head off at how she'd fooled me into thinking I was this limited, powerless being who had no way of getting out of this trap she'd "made up"... and yet She was the one who "created" The Magician's Way Intensive and Bob Scheinfeld's book into my reality.

It's all a game people. We all do this stuff to ourselves. If you can really get that you're at a crossroads... The most important crossroads of your life because now you have to make a choice. You can choose to deny what you know is true or you can choose to take the first step back into who you really are.

"To be or not to be." That is the question.

Friday, November 24, 2006

What's New at

It's been a few months since my last posting but for good reason. I've been busy discovering a whole new way of looking at stress management which has me popping! Here's a glimpse of what I'm talking about (taken from my new homepage)...

The Power of Stress... At Your Service

In my opinion, all experiences of emotional or mental “stress” are the result of focusing on what is not wanted… and then having no clue as to what to do with that energy. What we normally try do is get rid of it somehow, either by the use of substances or distraction techniques.

You must realise that the stress you experience as a result of focusing on what you don't want holds a lot of power invested by you and that power can be returned to you, thereby rendering the situation you don't want powerless.

If you've come to this blog for a quick fix to relieve stress related to money, relationships, work, study, parenting, health, or any other "problem", unfortunately you won't find that here (because you're probably already using coping mechanisms such as eating, drinking, shopping, etc)... but if you're willing to go on a treasure hunt you will find much more.

From my own experience I can share with you that my coping mechanisms in the past were "phasing out" or not being present, cigarette smoking, sedating myself with comfort food (mostly chocolate) and more recently, distracting myself with movies. I didn't realise that what I was doing was pushing down the energy I'd created for myself to actually change the situation. When I really "got" that I could see how I'd been sabotaging myself because in doing that I was no longer under acute tension and I resigned myself once again to the situation until the next time the stresses reared up, once again sedating myself and the cycle continuing. As painful as this was for me, I had thought that I needed to get rid of the stress, but I now see it as a gift and one that I would like for you to see as a gift also.

There are products on my website that will help you to create more serenity and fun in your life. However, I want to help you to empower your life and to ensure your success I have set up a unique coaching pilot. To be eligible to take part in this pilot a degree of focus is required, as well as commitment and courage, and you will be uncomfortable a lot of the time, but if you work with me as your coach you will eventually welcome that discomfort because you will learn that it means another opportunity to reclaim more of your creative power.

Life becomes a game, as it was always meant to be.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Welcome to the Ways to Relieve Stress Blog

I'm so glad you dropped by today. As this is our very first message I'd like to introduce you to our website. was created in response to the rising need for stress relief products and services. For example there may be stress connected to finances, relationships, work, study, parenting or health. We have thoroughly researched and in most cases used the recommended products on our website ourselves, and we also provide a unique coaching service if you're serious about making changes.

With this in mind I'd like to extend to you a personal invitation to visit our website today.

Jacleen Allen